About us

Geida, environmental resources management, Ltd. is a consulting company offering various environmental services. The company provides overall support for the development of project ideas. We prepare the necessary expert documentation in the field of energy efficiency, environmental and waste management, nature conservation and other related fields. Geida also deals financial sources acquisition , including application forms with required attachments for applications in national and EU calls as well management and monitoring of project implementation and reporting on results.

​Fields of work​

The company`s main focus is shaping comprehensive, practical and feasible solutions. Different fields of expertise are combined in our project and research work, in particular:

  • Services
    Item 1

    The most frequent services we offer:

    • municipal carbon footprint
    • environment and spatial expert analyses, feasibility studies
    • environmental impact assessment reports
    • expert assessment of environmental impacts
    • environmental protection programmes
    • support in efficient solution to environmental issues
    • environmental certification counselling
    • environmental counselling for spatial planning and environmental permit procedures
    • clients support regarding project funding for environmental projects
    Item 2

    The most frequent services we offer:

    • waste treatment plans,
    • waste collection plans,
    • waste management plans,
    • consulting on organizational and other measures for the prevention and reduction of waste
    • monitoring and registration of types and quantities of waste from various sources
    • proposal for improved waste management practices
    • regular (monthly) monitoring of waste management in the company, which includes review of documents, verification of compliance with waste legislation, the adequacy of record-keeping
    Item 3

    The most frequent services we offer:

    • Energy Performance Certificate for public, business and private buildings
    • energy audits of public and private buildings
    • feasibility studies of alternative energy systems
    • local energy concepts
    • consulting on organizational and technical measures to reduce energy consumption
    • consulting and document preparation for the introduction of new technologies of energy efficiency and use of renewable resources
    Item 4

    The most frequent services we offer:

    • corporate water management plans
    • economic analysis of water management
    • expert assessment of the encroachment in water protection areas or coastal zone
    • application with required attachments to obtain the water consent
    Item 5

    The most frequent services we offer:

    • Business Plans
    • expert and other required documents (eg. Expert assessment of the impact on the environment)
    • financial sources acquisition to start up or develop agricultural activities
    • consulting for project funding for national and EU calls
    • application forms to apply for funding including required attachments to national and EU calls
    • support for commencement of agricultural holdings,
    • support and documentation for receiving funding.
    • application forms with required attachments for application to national and EU calls
    • management accountancy for farms for tax purposes
    • management accountancy with FADN methodology
  • Research

    The company operates a registered research group for sustainable development with the purpose of the acquisition of new knowledge needed for product development, service quality growth, and natural and cultural asset preservation for the benefit of the whole society. The research group cooperates with other research organizations and external experts.

    Work of our Research Group is focused on the following priorities:

    • economic evaluation of environmental costs and ecosystem services
    • energy self-sufficiency of local communities
    • promotion of local food, reducing the carbon footprint at the expense of locally produced food
    • development and implementation of environmentally friendly technologies and materials, and the use of renewable energy sources (in collaboration with the University of Nova Gorica and the Agricultural Institute of Slovenia)
  • Green

    green eating

    • organization and implementation of individual or group workshops promoting sustainable forms of agriculture (permaculture)
    • consulting in organizing events promoting locally produced food
    • excursion to the places of good practices of sustainable farming


    green tourism

    Organization and implementation of tourist programs for families or small groups with a focus on:

    • healthy lifestyles
    • locally produced food
    • sustainable forms of farming
    • close contact with nature
    • local traditions


Geida d.o.o.
Zapoge 37
1217 Vodice



Mob: 040-331-134
Tel.: 01/586-41-79
Fax: 01/586-41-74

e-mail: [email protected]

Spletno mesto potrebuje za prikaz vsebin poleg lastnih piškotkov tudi piškotke z zunanjih strežnikov. Ali sprejemate zunanje piškotke?

O piškotkih

Piškotki niso nič novega, vsi obiskovalci spletnih strani imamo na svojih računalnikih, tablicah, mobitelih shranjenih že veliko piškotkov z različnih spletnih strani. Novo je zgolj to, da z novo zakonodajo (ZEKom-1) prihaja do sprememb glede obveščanja oz. soglašanja obiskovalcev z njihovo uporabo.

Kaj so piškotki?

So male besedilne datoteke, ki jih večina spletnih mest shrani v naprave, s katerimi uporabniki dostopajo do interneta z namenom prepoznavanja posameznih naprav, ki so jih uporabniki uporabili pri dostopu. Njihovo shranjevanje je pod popolnim nadzorom brskalnika, ki ga ima uporabnik - ta lahko shranjevanje piškotkov po želji omeji ali onemogoči.

Zakaj so piškotki potrebni?

So temeljnega pomena za zagotavljanje uporabniku prijaznih spletnih storitev. Interakcija med spletnim uporabnikom in spletnim mestom je s pomočjo piškotkov hitrejša in enostavnejša. Z njihovo pomočjo si spletno mesto zapomni posameznikove preference in izkušnje, s tem je prihranjen čas, brskanje po spletnih mestih pa bolj učinkovito in prijazno.

Nekaj konkretnih primerov uporabe piškotkov:

  • za boljšo uporabniško izkušnjo spletne strani obiskovalcem prilagodimo prikaz vsebine glede na pretekle obiske
  • za shranjevanje izbire pri ustvarjanju ožjega izbora naprav in ponudbe ter njihove primerjave
  • na delih spletnih mestih, kjer je potrebna prijava, vas ohranimo prijavljene
  • za prepoznavanje vaše naprave (računalnik, tablica, mobitel), ki omogoča prilagajanje prikaza vsebine vaši napravi
  • za spremljanje obiska, kar omogoča preverjanje učinkovitosti prikaza vsebin in ustreznosti oglasov ter stalno izboljšavo spletnih strani
  • za delovanje določenih storitev so nujni (npr. spletne banke, spletne trgovine in druge oblike e-poslovanja...

Lastni in zunanji piškotki

Spletne strani, ki jih prejemate s strežnikov Geide, lahko vključujejo tudi vsebine z zunanjih strežnikov - videe, grafe, vsebine in orodja z družabnih omrežij, oglase... Zunanji strežniki uporabljajo svoje piškotke in jih uporabniku pošljejo direktno

Ker je tako, vam lahko kot kontrolo zasebnosti glede tega ponudimo samo možnost, da sprejemate ali zavračate zunanje piškotke. Če se odločite, da jih ne sprejemate, boste s strežnikov Financ prejemali vsebine brez vključenih zunanjih elementov.